Definition of ICT, it's types and the role of ICT in Mathematics teaching and learning

Definition of ICT
     ICT defined. Information and Comunication Technology (ICT) a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information, and it refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication. It is similar to Information Technology (IT) but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the internet, wireless networks, cell phones and other communication media, like microsoft processor and spreadsheet. 
It has the combination of two terms, i.e., Information Technology and Communication Technology. “Information Technology is a scientific, technological, and engineering discipline and management technique used in handing the information; it’s application and association with social, economic, and cultural matters.”
“ICTs are networks that provide new opportunities for teaching, learning, and training through the delivery of digital content.” According to Blurton, C. (2002), ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are labeled as a “diverse set of technological tools and devices used to communicate, and to create, distribute, store, and manage information.”

Types Of ICT

 Mobile devices or technologies used for educational purposes that support different aspect of instruction or make new educational activities available
Example: Smartphones, PDA, GPS for augmented reality games, interactive response pads, Android mobile Apps

2. Educational network
 Online learning platforms that connect learners using social networking technologies, exhibiting similar functions to sites like Facebook or MySpace
Example: Ning, Classroom 2.0, Google classroom

3. Web-based
A set of online application or services that expand learners’ abilities to interact and collaborate with each other in the process of searching, receiving, organizing, and generating educational content
Example:  Wiki,blog, podcast, social bookmark, virtual world.

4. Classroom equipment
Devices that are used in traditional classroom to facilitate the interaction between teachers and students in different class activities
Example: Computer, Projector Interactive whiteboard, touch-screen computer, 

The role of ICT in Mathematics teaching and learning process.

Information and communications technology (ICT) has become gradually more important and useful tools for meaningful learning and teaching mathematics in universities. ICT has transformed the quality of mathematics, and it is clear that students now look forward to using ICT tools as part of their learning experience.
Using ICT as a tool, students spend productive time developing strategies for solving complex problems and develop a deep understanding of the various mathematics topics. Students can use ICT as a tool to perform calculations, draw graphs, and help solve problems.
ICT helps Teacher to identify creative child in an educational institute. ICT helps Teacher to motivate students and growing interest in learning. ICT helps Teacher for organizational preconditions (vision, policy and culture). It is also helps Teacher for their personal support (knowledge, attitude, skills).
The role of mathematics was reduced to the purely academic domain. But at present, the role of mathematics is not limited to the purely academic domain. It has entered the field of technology and industry.

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